C. Critical enablers
1. Distributed, renewable energy (microhydro, solar, wind, perhaps local geothermal, hybrid)
a. General.
1. Microhydro. See Microhydro survey 15 Aug 09.xls and pp; 5-12 of Distributed Infrastructure in Afghan 2-21-09_1.doc
2. Solar. See Scatec Solar and Solar Stik. Also pp. 16-18 of Distributed Infrastructure in Afghan 2-21-09_1.doc
3. Wind. See pp. 13-15 of Distributed Infrastructure in Afghan 2-21-09_1.doc
4. Local Geothermal. See p. 21 of Distributed Infrastructure in Afghan 2-21-09_1.doc
5. Hybrid. See pp. 18-20 of Distributed Infrastructure in Afghan 2-21-09_1.doc
6. Overall. See Afghanistan Renewable Energy Businesses.shtml and Agha Khan Green Energy 4-17-09 MWAI-7RB34A.htm
7. Barriers: Need to get village buy-in and revenuie streams. Pilferability of solar components. Not very attractive to outside investors.
b. Each of four district capitals
c. Each of 25 villages (average 30kW).
d. Camp for refugees or IDPs
e. Figures for below graph based on “Distributed Infrastructure in Afghanistan” report on page 13, which can be found at: http://www.star-tides.net/node/379
25 Generators
Engineers, Security, Vehicles etc.
Per Year Maintenance Costs
Total for Ten Year Period
25 villages
2. Communications ranging from text messaging to cell phone voice, community/content applications to wide-band, high speed internet.
1. Overall ‘physical’ extension / roll-out strategy & execution plan
a. General
b. Jalalabad
c. Each of the four district capitals
d. Each of 25 villages
e. Camp for refugees or IDPs
2. Overall ‘content’ / application development / strategy & execution plan
a. General
b. Jalalabad
c. Each of the four district capitals
d. Each of 25 villages
e. 1 refugee or IDP camp
3. Refer to previous report by Dr. Wells on improving (ICT) in Afghanistan for reference: http://www.star-tides.net/node/381
3. Information sharing, storage and retrieval regimes to give non-traditional participants access to the information they need and building trust for two-way communication where appropriate
a. General. Must include world class library functions and reachback support from outside the country to supplement those on the ground. Camp Roberts experiences
b. Jalalabad. B4D program.
c. Each of four district capitals
d. Each of 25 villages
e. Camp for refugees or IDPs
4. Reachback support from outside the country to supplement those on the ground.
a. General
b. Jalalabad
c. Each of four district capitals
d. Each of 25 villages
e. Camp for refugees or IDPs
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