E Commerce Training for Afghan Women
The related file is a powerpoint which J Aresty of InternetBar presented to members of the Afghan Ministry of Women's Affairs in Kabul July 12, 2009. MOWA would like the same presentation made to the district offices. The development of and access to an online Global Marketplace for Afghans utilizing their cell phones to access form contracts and digital signatures, IP protection through Internet and E-Commerce Web Sites is a foundation for a customary system of justice. An online customary system of justice can be based on equal access to justice systems, including both positive rights creation as well as enforcement and dispute reoslution.
As a benefit to the Afghan women who are trained under the E-commerce training program, InternetBar is collaborating with an Afghan based NGO to develop a simple plan to provide subsidized loans to women owned SMEs in Afghanistan in order to contribute to the growth of the Afghan economy, bring their products and services to the international marketplace through the introduction of e-commerce as a tool, and increase the participation of women in the development of Afghan society.
Comments (2)
linwells@gmail.com said
at 5:24 pm on Sep 18, 2009
Is there a related file attached?
jaresty said
at 5:42 pm on Sep 18, 2009
The powerpoint, entitled E Commerce Training for Afghan Women, is uploaded to the wiki in "Files"
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